Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼NDepage | |
▼NGraphics | |
▼NExceptions | |
CException | General graphics related exception class |
CFileNotFound | Input file not found exception |
▼NOptimizers | |
CJpegoptim | |
CJpegtran | |
COptimizer | |
COptipng | |
CPngcrush | |
▼NProviders | |
CGd | PHP GD extension interface |
CGraphicsmagick | GraphicsMagick interface |
CImagemagick | ImageMagick interface |
CImagick | Imagick Class Imagick |
▼NUi | |
CGraphics | Interface for accessing graphics via URI |
CGraphics | Main graphics class |
CImgurl |